1 Introduction
To Be Filled
1.1 Exploring existing haptic interfaces
We researched and tried different categories of haptic interfaces in order to asses their strengths and weaknesses for our purposes:
Our experience with the existing categories of haptic interfaces allowed us to designed one best adapted to our need: the Force-Feedback Tablet (F2T)
2 Outcomes
2.1 Our interface: F2T (v1)
The first prototype of the F2T was assembled with legos and a camera to better asses the position of the joystick within the frame of the device.
2.2 Software tools
1) We developed a Java application to create or convert images into simplified tactile representations, which can then be explored using the F2T:
2) In order to display an image haptically, we first needed a way to simplify the image’s content without losing its meaning. To do so, we explored various Computer Vision techniques such as image segmentation and edge detection:
3 My role in this project
1) Participated in the development of a Java app to control the F2T and display tactile “images”.
2) Investigated existing haptic interfaces, classifying them based on our needs, and buying/lending a prototype from each category.
3) Organized experimental evaluations with VIP to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each category of interfaces.
4) Participated in writing a poster and two conference articles: one on the F2T, and one on the image segmentation.